Category Products

Stay Away

Stay Away Moths – Moth Deterrent for Closet, Pantry & More Stay Away Moths is a natural, plant-based repellent designed to protect your clothes, pantry, and home from moths. Safe for use in closets, drawers, and storage areas, it effectively…

Ants & Spiders Deterrent

Fresh Cab Ants & Cockroaches Deterrent – Indoor Botanical Pest Control Fresh Cab Ants & Cockroaches Deterrent provides a natural, plant-based solution to repel ants and cockroaches from your home. Its eco-friendly formula is safe for pets and children while…

Rodent Repellent

Fresh Cab Rodent Repellent – Botanical Pest Control for Indoor Use Fresh Cab Rodent Repellent is a natural, plant-based solution designed to keep mice and rats away from homes, garages, and storage areas. Made with botanical ingredients, this non-toxic repellent…